Community Partnerships

Wasaga Beach Public Library has cultivated strong and lasting partnerships with a variety of community organizations to offer a wide range of free services that support and enrich the lives of our patrons and the broader community.

Explore local service providers, educational institutions, health centres, and cultural groups, in an inclusive and accessible environment helping to meet diverse community needs.

Give us a call at 705.429.5481 or email and our staff will be happy to assist.

Housing Services

Regional Housing Support Services

Regional Housing Support Services

Offering housing-related services to community members at risk of homelessness, experiencing homelessness or experiencing rental and/or utilities arrears.

Home Horizon

Youth Outreach - Mondays, 3 - 4 PM starting January 6, 2025

The S.A.F.E. outreach program works with vulnerable youth to identify safe living spaces and provides direction to assist them in regaining control of their lives. S.A.F.E. outreach programs serve youth aged 16-29.

Government Services

South Georgian Bay Small Business Enterprise Centre

In-person Consultations - 2nd Thursday, 10 AM - 4:30 PM | Monthly
In-person Consultations - 4th Thursday, 10 AM - 12:30 PM | Monthly

Offers entrepreneurs the assistance they need to start and grow their businesses, and to meet their entrepreneurial aspirations. The Centre provides support to new and existing businesses with start-up, development, retention and operation.

To book an in-person consultation, email or call 705-351-3309.

Health & Wellness Services

Collingwood General & Marine Hospital

Psychoeducational Workshops | Monthly

Meet with a Mental Health Therapist from Collingwood General and Marine Hospital for a drop-in session at the library. Get support, information, and resources for mental health in a welcoming environment.

South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre

Various Dates & Times

Programs and workshops are available to all members of the community at no cost, and support physical, mental and social wellbeing. Their programs focus on a variety of community needs such as physical activity, healthy eating, socialization, support groups, mindfulness, chronic disease management and more.

Hospice Georgian Triangle

Grief Support Groups | Tuesdays, 1 - 3 PM from January 14th - March 12th, 2025

Grief is one of the deepest pains we experience. Hospice Georgian Triangle offers a variety of support programs to help you adjust to the loss of a loved one.

Parkinson Canada

Support Group | 1st Thursday, Monthly, 12:30 - 2:15 PM

Local support groups offer a safe environment for talking about your experiences, enhancing your ability to cope with the daily challenges of Parkinson’s disease.

Overeaters Anonymous

Support Group | Weekly

Overeaters Anonymous is a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviours. We welcome everyone who feels they have a problem with food.

Instructional Services

EarlyON Child & Family Centre

Little Artists - Mondays, 10 - 11:30 AM

Providing access to play and inquiry-based learning, information on child development, parent education, early learning activities, referrals to community resources, nutrition information plus pre- and post-natal resources.

Community Action Program for Children

Various Dates & Times

Catulpa Community Support Services offers MotherCare, Next Step, and CAPC programs. These programs are available to individuals and families who are pregnant and/or parenting children 0- 6 years of age and who are living on a limited annual income in Simcoe County.

Georgian College

Academic & Career Preparation - Wednesdays, 10 AM - 1 PM

Academic and Career Preparation is a free, goal-directed, flexible and supportive academic upgrading program. It accommodates the realities of daily life, while allowing students to bring reading, writing, math and other essential skills up to a high school level.

Wasaga Beach Chamber Of Commerce

Lunch & Learn - Thursdays, 11 AM - 1 PM | Monthly

Hosting various events that provide networking, socializing and business opportunities. Get exclusive training opportunities on a variety of topics.

Welcome Centre Immigrant Services

Immigrant Services - 4th Thursday | Monthly
Conversation Circle - Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM | Weekly, Online for Winter

Helping newcomers and immigrants get the right information; and to find out about what other help is available. Also, improve your English skills in a friendly setting at the English Conversational Circle.

La Clé

Groupe de Conversation - Various Times | Online

Venez pratiquer et améliorer votre français avec nous et le Centre de formation aux adultes de La Clé! Nos groupes de conversation sont gratuits, se déroulent en français et sont ouverts à tous les 19 ans et plus !

Food Services

The Good Food Box

Order Form Pick-up & Drop Off - 1st Wednesday | Monthly

The Georgian Good Food Box is a non-profit buying club that purchases fresh fruits and vegetables for distribution in Southern Georgian Bay monthly. Good Food Boxes include an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables and are available to anyone in the community for less than retail.

Georgian Triangle Humane Society

Dog & Cat Food Depot | Daily - Community Food Pantry

The GTHS Pet Pantry is a donation-based program aimed to ensure that pet food is more accessible for individuals and families who are in need. It provides dog and cat food available for pick-up in the community pantry In the library.

Wasaga Beach Ministerial Food Bank

Barrier Free Food Pantry | Daily

Thanks to grant money and support from the Wasaga Beach Ministerial Food Bank WBPL is able to offer a barrier-free emergency food pantry for those in need within our community.