
Senior Library Staff

Val Dickson

Interim Manager of Library Services

Favourite Author:
Jane Austin

What’s the most eclectic book you’ve ever read?
The Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

Email Val

Brittany Pampalone

Interim Supervisor of Library Services

Favourite Author:
Riley Sager

Fun Fact:
Vanilla Ice follows me on Twitter; it's okay to be jealous.

Email Brittany

Angela Dodd

Adult Services Coordinator

Favourite Author:
J.R.R. Tolkein

What’s the most eclectic book you’ve ever read? Conversations With God - Neale Donald Walsch

Email Angela

Corrisha Lake

Family Services Coordinator

Favourite Author:
Shel Silverstein

What is your favourite children’s book?
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory...yep! Always had a sweet tooth!

Email Corrisha

Drew Murdoch

Library Technician/Cataloger

Favourite Author:
Tamsyn Muir

Fun Fact:
I have a terrible click in my jaw and I've taught myself to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star On It.

Email Drew

Tracey Strnad

Community Relations Assistant

Favourite Author:
Michael Ondaatje

Fun Fact:
I love cross-country skiing and mountainbiking.

Email Tracey

Ethan Wilson

Makerspace Coordinator

Favourite Author:
David Chilton

Fun Fact:
I love playing the guitar and harmonica, but I can also tear it up on the drums.

Email Ethan

Service Team

Angela Sheffer - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Diane Chamberlain

Where do you get book recommendations from?
I have gotten so many great book recommendations from patrons and staff at WBPL. I also find that has a great selection of recommendations.

Cathy Carlson - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Too many to say.

What do you enjoy most about working at the library?
The people and the connections.

Deanna White - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Louisa May Alcott

Fun Fact:
I tend to prefer to see the movie BEFORE I read the book. I think it gives me the best chance at enjoying both.

Drazen Vicic (Vic) - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Varlam Shalamov

What’s the most eclectic book you’ve ever read?
Tao Te Ching

Kirsten - junior Library Aide

Favourite Author:
Taylor Jenkins Reid

What’s the most eclectic book you’ve ever read?
101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna West.

Linda Potje - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Jodi Picoult

Fun Fact:
Despite its popularity, I am not a chocolate fan.

Hannah - junior Library Aide

Favourite Author:
Brandon Sanderson

If you start a book and don't enjoy it, do you have to finish it?
I I have to finish it, I am always optimistic that it will get better!

Kaytlyn Freeborn - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Wally Lamb

Fun Fact:
I am a reptile lover and have a corn snake named Valentine.

Kim Blakeney - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
This week I’m loving C. J. Tudor

Fun Fact:
RUSH came to my high school to shoot a video and I was picked to be in it!

Maggie Weir - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Agatha Christie

What’s the most eclectic book you’ve ever read?
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

Rob Fedorowicz - Junior IT Technician

Favourite Author:
Sui Ishida

What is your favourite children's book or book as a child?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Sabine Richarz - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Alexander McCall Smith

Fun Fact:
I immigrated to Canada on a boat over the North Atlantic at the beginning of winter.

Simon - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Madeline Miller

Fun Fact:
I've completed NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) twice.

Tracy Childs - Library Assistant

Favourite Author:
Kelly Armstrong

Fun Fact:
I was a freelance journalist/photographer for the Wasaga Sun and Collingwood Connection for 5 years.

Current Career Opportunities

There are currently no active job postings.

Community Relations Assistant

Part Time – Up to 30 hours/week

The Wasaga Beach Public Library is seeking a dynamic and self-motivated team player to perform the duties and responsibilities of Community Relations Assistant.

General Responsibilities: The Community Relations Assistant seeks opportunities for the library to collaborate with community organizations, educators, groups, and businesses to provide programs and services that benefit the community. The Community Relations Assistant strives to build connections between the library and community residents to ensure that town members are cognizant of the library’s extensive list of resources developed to bolster their well-being. The Community Relations Assistant develops and oversees internal and external communications on behalf of the library, including media relations, public relations, social media and the website, as well as advertising, marketing and fundraising strategies.

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