30 May TD Summer Reading Club 2024
Welcome to the 2024 TD Summer Reading Club!
TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. This free program is co-created and delivered by more than 2,000 public libraries across Canada. It celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators, and stories. It’s designed to inspire kids to explore the fun of reading their way – the key to building a lifelong love of reading.

Register Online or In-Person
Register online or in-person at the library. Once you’re registered, you can pick up your tracking booklet and first badge and start reading. To complete the challenge, you’ll need to read 1,500 minutes before August 31.

Track Your Reading Minutes & earn BAdges
For every 20 minutes of reading this summer, color a space on your tracker as you build your way towards the next reward.
Once you reach a reward indicator space, email wbplsummerreading@gmail.com to arrange to collect your reward. There are 10 rewards to collect.

Individual Top Reader Prizes
Individual prizes are also available for those who complete the challenge. Your name will be entered into the grand prize draw where winners can choose from a selection of space-themed prizes including tablets, telescopes, digital microscopes, play sets, and more!

Wasaga Beach Students – Help Your School Win
Team up with other readers at your school to see which school can read the most minutes.
The school with the highest total will win $1,500 in books for their library!

1st Place: $1,500

2nd Place: $1,000

3rd Place: $750
Registration Opens June 1, 2024
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to read, explore, and win amazing prizes!
Join the fun online
Check out the TD Summer Reading Club Kid’s site for fun things to do all summer long.